The role of Georgian culture in the history of Ukraine

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Merab Megrelishvili
Ibraim Didmanidze


The role of Georgian culture in the history of Ukraine was determined by the clerical work of Georgian
missionaries and the proximity of the geographical borders of Georgia to Christian Byzantium, Bulgaria, and Ukraine.
The lives of the fathers of the Monastery of the Kyiv Caves provide us with the earliest information about the cultural
relations between Georgians and Ukrainians. Georgian culture had spread in Ukraine in two ways: 1. Black Sea Lands
and 2. The centers of Georgian culture on Mount Athos (The monastery of Iviron) and Petritsoni Monastery in
Bulgaria. Besides, the reports of European travelers (Pietro Della Valle, Archangelo Lambert, Jean-Baptiste Tavernier,
and others) are significant sources. Since the beginning of the 19th century, after Georgia became a province of Russia,
Ukraine had not severed relations with the friendly country. Both Georgian and Ukrainian humanists played a great
role in the cultural ties between these two countries. Cultural relations between Georgia and Ukraine are going on.
There are several cultural and educational organizations operating in Kyiv, which promote the Georgian language
and culture and also work hard in Georgia to study the ancient culture of the Ukrainian people.

Published: Dec 30, 2022

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History and Archaeology