Creation of a Journal Page

For every journal wishing to join our platform, we create a separate journal page where journal issues and articles can be uploaded and published online in open access. 

We offer two models of partnership to our journals. 

Under the first model we create a journal page, upload one issue of the journal on the platform and our representative also administers the journal page in the future. 

Under the second model we create a journal page, upload one issue of the journal on the platform, conduct OJS training for the journal representative and transfer the journal administration to the journal representative. 


DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Registeration 

Our organization has become a member of DOI registering agency Datacite since 2021 and has gained a right to register digital object identifiers (DOIs) to the articles stored in its repositories and platforms.

The most important feature of a digital object identifier (DOI) is that the DOI is unique and persistent throughout the existence of the document, while the document location (URL) or metadata may change.

Assigning a digital object identifier (DOI) to the material ensures its security and easy, persistent and guaranteed localization on the web. Ease and persistence of access to the article increases its visibility and citation index.