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Ya. Ghlonti, Nugzar
Yaghoobi, Masoumeh, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Yamamoto, H., Department of Electrical and Control Systems Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, Japan
Yamanaka, Yuriko, National Museum of Ethnology
Yamashita, N., Dept. of Mechanical Science and Technology, Gunma University. Kiryu. Japan
Yang, Honglin, University of Science and Technology
Yang, Huimin, Department of Chinese language and literature, Suqian College
Yang, Robert, New York University
Yatsevich , Natalia
Yavolovskaya, O.
Yavolovskaya, Olga V.
Ye, Jiang, Leiden University
Yefimenko, Tatyana A.
Yelenevskaya, Mariia, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Yenygin, Dmytro, Crimean University for the Humanities
Yevtushenko, Svetlana A.
Yifan, Cao, Sichuan University
Yokota-Murakami , Takayuki
Yonezawa, Koichi, Dept. of Mechanical Science and Technology, Gunma University, Kiryu, Japan
Yorimitsu, Hahimoto, Osaka University
Young Nam, Soo, Korea National University of Arts
Yu, Gao, A Comparative Study of Chinese and Indian Classical Poetic Style Theories
Yui, J., Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, Japan
Yuling, Liu, The University of Hong Kong
Yuqin, Jiang, Shenzhen University

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